


Remembering Martin Luther King Jr.

One key to understanding the events of our times is understanding the civilization of Wakanda which found a regenerative pattern for its society using its natural resources and technology to balance both Human Security and National Security applications. Wakanda is an African nation in the Marvel Studios film, Black Panther. At the climax of the film is the battle between the Human Security and National Security archetypes, and at the end of the film there is the understanding that Wakanda can provide a pattern for the rest of the world to emulate if they choose to do so.

The reader is encouraged to study, reflect upon and understand the deepest semiology and metaphors from the film Black Panther. Also, reading enlightened articles or summaries regarding these topics might further aid your understanding. Viewing ongoing world events through this prism will be instructive.

We believe the wonderful film Black Panther will serve to inspire not only African Americans in our local and regional communities, but will also inspire all ethnicities in countries and continents around the world with its many, many subtle and enlightened messages to eventually unite as one people. Wakanda does not only ignite the viewer to imagine an African utopia, it will ignite untold millions, if not billions, to imagine a global utopia.

As a result, our lives are greatly blessed and somewhat simplified in 2018 and beyond. From now on, and well into the future, candidates for leadership positions and their citizen voters can run and be evaluated against a simple criterion: Will the results of voting and the selection of one leader or another bring us closer to a civilization like that of Wakanda, or will the results lead us further down the path like that of Killmongers?

The great Russian writer, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, has a famous quote: “At first, art imitates life. Then life will imitate art. Then life will find its very existence from the arts.”

We believe the most appropriate solution to the many and growing challenges of our world is for emerging and evolving Human Security programs and infrastructure to complement and balance already existing and increasingly/excessive militarism, National Security programs and infrastructure. Said another way, we are approaching a time when the lion will lie down with the lamb. Forgive and do not repeat.

Reading Isaiah 11:16 one cannot help but note the final words, “…and a little child shall lead them all.” How many of us will follow and support our youth in the weeks, months and years to come which could prove to be epic events of biblical proportions.

Also, as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of our tragic loss of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., let us reflect anew upon one of his many wise and defining talks and marvel at his wisdom from a full five decades ago: what we need to overcome and transcend is poverty, racism and the Killmongers.