With a goal to give voice to writers around the world who are often marginalized, IPD aims to put these writers at the forefront of an ever-churning global news cycle. On any given day you will find articles that address the Asia Pacific or Middle East regions, as well as articles that address key U.S. policy. The result gives readers an inside track on global conversation. Launched in 2011, IPD has grown from a few readers in the United States to a significant base of readership in every corner of the world. International Policy Digest is based in Richmond, Virginia.


John Lyman– Editor-in-Chief
Patrick Hall– Executive Editor
Isaac Silvermann– Senior Advisor on European Foreign Policy and Security
Mohammed Taoheed– West Africa Editor

Contributing Editors

Taylor Dibbert (on leave)
Binoy Kampmark
Daniel Wagner
Joel White
Giorgio Cafiero

Partner Websites

Gulf State Analytics
The Conversation
Foreign Policy Youth Collaborative
Risk Cooperative
Caucasian Journal
Journal of Diplomacy– Seton Hall University

For partnership opportunities, email info@intpolicydigest.org.