In Defense of Alex Jones. Hear Me Out.
When you hear the words ‘Alex Jones,’ what images spring to mind? A loud, obnoxious individual with a bright red face, eyes bulging, spewing a whole host of dangerous ideas? If so, you’re right — but only partly so. Although Jones has a history of saying truly appalling things, he also has a history of saying entirely accurate things.
Yes, some will say, but a “broken clock tells the right time twice a day.” Although this is true, Jones, who recently filed for bankruptcy, is not a broken clock; he’s an incredibly broken man who may or may not be on the mend. I am not asking people to forgive Jones for his previous sins, nor am I condoning them. I am not defending his indefensible comments on Barack Obama, the attacks on September 11, 2001, or the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings. Jones is currently locked in a legal tussle with the Sandy Hook families.
I am defending the fact that he has been right before, on numerous occasions. In short, Jones, a man who has clearly struggled with serious mental health issues, has sounded the alarm on real scandals, not just false ones. Moreover, a number of prominent outlets who routinely criticize him for spreading dangerous misinformation are also guilty of spreading dangerous misinformation.
But before going any further, let’s discuss weird rituals.
For the best part of 150 years, members of the ‘global elite’ have held secret meetings in the ancient redwood forests of Monte Rio, Northern California. Here, the members of the so-called “Bohemian Club” worship Moloch, a pagan deity who was once worshiped by the Canaanites and Phoenicians.
It sounds ridiculous, right? It is. But it also happens to be completely true. Back in 2000, more than a decade before The Washington Post published a “bombshell” piece, Alex Jones lifted the lid on Bohemian Grove, a place where the wealthy and influential mingle, exchange ideas, and, yes, worship some sort of giant owl god. Notable members of the Bohemian Club, an all-male ensemble, have included the likes of Clint Eastwood, Henry Kissinger, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Jack London.
Legend has it that the Grove is where discussions for the Manhattan Project actually began. For younger readers, many of whom are victims of a dire education system, the Manhattan Project was a research program initiated during World War II that resulted in the first-ever nuclear bomb. When Jones first discussed the Grove, people thought he was insane. We now know that he was simply reporting a newsworthy story.
Again, to be clear, I am not a Jones apologist. I don’t know the man, have never exchanged words with him, and have nothing to gain (but so much to lose) from writing this piece.
Contrary to popular belief, Jones is not a “right-wing lunatic.” He is an anti-establishment, anti-globalist commentator, a man whose life has been punctuated by moments of lunacy and lucidity. When it comes to criticizing political figures, Jones doesn’t discriminate. He has been critical of George W. Bush and Donald Trump. And yes, he has been critical of many on the left, including the Clintons. Especially Bill Clinton — and for good reason.
You see, Bill Clinton is many things, but being ethically aware is not one of them. There is an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to his various sexual escapades and possible crimes. Clinton has been linked to some of the most abhorrent individuals imaginable, including the now-deceased Jeffrey Epstein.
Long before the author Whiney Webb began writing her rather compelling book on the life of the disgraced pedophile, Alex Jones was ranting on about an island in the Caribbean, a place where wealthy elites like Bill Clinton and Bill Gates would go to engage in all sorts of depraved, sexual acts with young women. It sounded nuts at the time. More than twenty years on from Jones’ dire warnings, most people are intimately familiar with the horrors that occurred on Epstein’s island.
Bill Clinton is not a good man. He never was. This is common knowledge now. But when Jones started calling out the former president, it certainly wasn’t.
Of course, one cannot discuss the outspoken commentator without discussing all those “friggin’ frogs gay!” When Jones warned listeners that chemicals leaking into the water supply were turning frogs gay, he wasn’t wrong. Biologist Dr. Tyrone Hayes has shown that Atrazine, the most common herbicide, has “feminized” male frogs. In a nutshell, Atrazine is an endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC) and works by converting testosterone to estrogen in frogs.
Of course, some will say, how can you defend Jones, a purveyor of potentially lethal misinformation? Again, this is not a defense of the dangerous, patently false information that he has spread in the past. Moreover, misinformation exists on a spectrum, from the less serious to the downright dangerous (Sandy Hook being a prime example). Jones has veered towards the opposite end of the spectrum on many occasions.
However, he is not the only one that has sinned, and he is not the only one who has spread dangerous, patently false information. From The Washington Post to the New York Times, CNN to Fox, we are swimming in a sea of false information.
Jones has succumbed to the effects of audience capture, a vicious, self-reinforcing feedback loop that sees a commentator give their listeners more and more of what they want, even if the content is clearly untrue. But so too have many of the country’s most prominent news agencies. It’s easy to fixate on Jones, a man with a penchant for roaring nonsense, disclosing way too much information, and abusing alcohol. It’s easy to use him as a convenient fall guy, and, because of his supposedly irredeemable qualities, spread knowingly false stories about him. But two wrongs don’t make a right.
Alex Jones has sinned. There is no doubt about that. He has done severe damage to his reputation by spreading dangerously false narratives. However, none of this makes his truth bombs any less explosive. He has been wrong — but he has also been right. Let’s not forget this fact.