Seda Ünsar obtained her Ph.D. in Political Science with distinction from the University of Southern California, and has a B.A. in International Relations from Koç University on a full Vehbi Koç Scholarship. Seda’s research interests incorporate institutional theory and path dependence, secularism and political Islam, ethnicized and religionized politics under neoliberal ascendancy and politics of (un)development, discontents of globalization and democratization. She was a visiting fellow at London School of Economics after which she joined the Max Weber postdoctoral programme at the European University Institute. She is currently a professor of Political Science based in Istanbul, and is the author of a novel titled 'Düşüş: siyaset ve felsefe odasında aşk hikayeleri, İnkılap Kitabevi' (The Fall: stories of love in the room of politics and philosophy, İnkılap Publishing House). She is also a contributor at Cumhuriyet (the Republic) and Birgün (One-Day) Newspapers.

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